This page lists my current and past research projects. Click the project titles to see more info and check out my relevant publications, poster, or other work associated with each project.
I am current consulting on the design of a novel educational game. Previously, I helped design digital education modules.
May 2020 - Present

Design and Use of Sports Tracking Technology
How should student-athlete tracking data be used? How should sports technologies be designed to support the needs of individual athletes and the needs of coaches, staff, or the team as a whole?
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September 2016 - August 2022

UX for a Mobile Mental Health Intervention
I worked as a research assistant in Dr. Pat Arean's CREATIV lab in UW Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences.
May 2018 - December 2019

Pivotal Moments
I worked on this project in a Directed Research Group led by fellow HCDE PhD student Arpita Bhattacharya.
September 2016 - March 2017