
Here you will find my publications listed in reverse chronological order. You can also check out my Google Scholar profile.

Using Speculative Design to Understand Preferred Futures for the Design and Use of Tracking Data in U.S. College Sport Teams.
Samantha Kolovson, Samuel So, Sean A. Munson. CSCW 2024.

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Understanding Participant Needs for Engagement and Attitudes towards Passive Sensing in Remote Digital Health Studies.
Samantha Kolovson, Abhishek Pratap, Jaden Duffy, Ryan Allred, Sean A. Munson, Pat Arean. Pervasive Health 2020.


Personal Data and Power Asymmetries in U.S. Collegiate Sports Teams.
Samantha Kolovson, Calvin Liang, Sean A. Munson, Kate Starbird. PACM Human-Computer Interaction (GROUP 2020).


Understanding Pivotal Experiences in Behavior Change for the Design of Technologies for Personal Wellbeing.
Arpita Bhattacharya, Samantha Kolovson, Yi-Chen Sung, Mike Eacker, Michael Chen, Sean A. Munson, and Julie A. Kientz. Journal of Biomedical Informatics.


Automated Style Feedback for Advanced Beginner Java Programmers
Hannah Blau, Samantha Kolovson, W.R. Adrion, and Robert Moll. Frontiers in Education (FIE) 2016,